Fashion hairpieces hairstyles

Getting it right! How to fit your wig to your clothing

There are a thousand ways to wear a wig, and even more ways to match it to your wardrobe. Since Summer is just around the corner and Covid restrictions are loosening up, there’s no better time to start planning for the season. At Uniwigs, we’re going to show you the ways you can spice up your outfit with some wigs that will compliment your figure and make you look absolutely stunning.


The Morning Bird


This wig combination is characterized by your most comfortable outfit and compliments a variety of situations where you’ll be spotted in public making your morning rounds at the local coffee shop. We usually recommend sticking with something short to medium in length with a blended light color. Pair it with your favorite pair of sweatpants and hoody and you’re good to go. Keep in mind that you want to choose something easy to manage and throw on at a moment notice.


The Casual Brunch


Probably one of our most favorite combinations starting with a fashionable business casual pair of slacks and rounded off with your favorite sunhat. The best wig for this situation is your everyday casual wig, the one you feel most comfortable and attached to. In this scenario you’re going to want to add a little flair by adding an additional piece of headgear to compliment your wig. There’s no better way than pull out your favorite hat, especially since the weather is clearing up and having a brunch outdoors is the best way to celebrate getting out.


The Boss


Stack it, slack it and slay it. You’re the boss and the master of your destiny. This wig should be a comfortable length for styling and full of character. Curls and waves are best and convey power and virility into any conversation. Bring out the best in your business wear wherever you are and don’t forget to add a little contrast with power shoes. Your wig should be an extension of your character and purpose in this situation and it’s best to opt for the highest quality natural hair. Try wearing a darker color than you normally would and don’t forget to style it.


The Nightgown


Still one of our favorites, this pairing combines the sultry appearance of a perfect nightgown with luscious long locks. Try to choose a longer length wig that what you would normally wear at work, and be sure to pick a color you love. Everything in this look should be about love and passion, heat and excitement. Don’t be afraid of experimenting with a different variety of looks.


There’re so many ways to choose the right wig for the right outfit. The best way is how it makes you feel and how it adds to your confidence. At we are the wig experts and we have thousands of wigs available to meet your every need. We highly recommend trying our custom wigs for something especially unique, and our staff is on hand to help you with any questions you may have. As always, we are here to make you beautiful and give you the confidence for every moment.