hair care hair loss how to

Eating too much salt can make hair loss worse?

Salt, which is very important to our body, is an indispensable element of iodine in our body. But the salt on the life should be moderate, not too much. Some people with hair loss like to eat salty food. Now let’s take a look at the relevant analysis and solve your doubts.

too much salt
too much salt

Withered hair, easy hair loss. Hair problem has become the heart disease of many women. Before you go to the doctor, check your diet.If the diet is too salty and sweet, it will seriously damage the hair. Salt can cause the retention of water inside human body, cause retention water inside the hair likewise overmuch, affect the growth development of the hair normally thereby. In the meantime, excessive salt in the hair provided good place to bacterium breeding, stimulative sebum is secreted, cause head dirt to increase in quantity, aggravate hair loss phenomenon. Second, too much sugar makes hair bad.Sugar can form a lot of acidity material in the metabolic process of human body, destroy vitamin B group, disturb the pigment cell metabolism of the hair thereby, cause the hair to lose original color gradually and wither and bad. Excessive sugar still can make sebum increases in the body, induce seborrheic sex dermatitis, can make hair loss worse and worse.

Our recommendation: less than 5 grams of salt per day is the most appropriate, other flavors should not be overweight, moderate is the most healthy.

People with bad hair should eat these three foods: