hair care how to wigs

How to wash and dry your wig

Washing the wig

To start shampooing, gently separate the wig with a wig brush or wide-toothed comb. Fill your sink with cold water and shampoo measurements are written on the back of the shampoo bottle. Turn the wig inside out and put it in water for no more than a few minutes. Don’t twist the wig or it will ruin your hairstyle. Some people like to let their wigs soak for a while, but it is usually clean after the technique mentioned above. Rinse the wig gently with cold water and repeat the process. If you have a conditioner, you can use it at this time. Apply a small amount of human hair wig conditioner to the palm of your hand and apply evenly to your hair. Avoid using conditioner at the bottom of your wig as it will loosen the knot in your cap and cause your hair to fall out. Let the conditioner leave in your hair for 3-5 minutes. Wash off the conditioner unless it says something else on the bottle as some conditioners are wash free.

Drying the wig

After washing the wig for the last time, gently squeeze out most of the moisture and place it on a large dry towel. Roll the wig up in a towel and press gently against the towel. This will remove most of the moisture. Then you can hang it to dry naturally.

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